Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice is extremely important at William Byrd. We listen to our children talk about the work they do in school, things they like about school and things they would like to develop/improve in school. Our vision is to make our pupils school experience the best it can be! Our vision is to have our pupils, through pupil voice and our school council, work with our staff team so they have a clear impact and influence within school and the experiences and outcomes for our children.

We have carried out pupil voice activities around a range of subjects – Maths, Writing, PSHE, Music, and RE.

Here are some of our pupil’s quotes:

What do you like about maths?

  • When the teacher explains it well, it feels easy  
  • When we get stuck, the teachers don’t give us the answer – they give us clues to help us  

If you get stuck, what does your teacher do to help you?

  • They take it step by step to help me understand 
  • We use our place value grid and counters or hundreds, tens and ones 
  • My teacher gives me a sentence starter to help me understand the steps 

 How might you use maths in the world outside of school? 

  • When trying to see if a table will fit in your kitchen 
  • At the shops - knowing how much your bill is and how much change you should get 
  • When sharing with friends 
  • When building a tall tower 
  • When trying to work out your salary 
  • When knowing how much to put in a recipe 

What could make maths at William Byrd even better?

  • A maths room where we could go to do maths games and puzzles
  • Special prizes for Times Tables Rock Stars achievements 
  • Extra challenges for when we want to stretch our brains even further 

When I finish a question, my teacher gives me a question that challenges me to be the best I can be.

Sometimes I rush and get confused, but my teacher helps separate the pieces of the puzzle and helps me put them back together.

If I make a mistake in maths it’s okay because the more mistakes we make, the more we can learn from them.