Personal Development

OFSTED defines personal development as the development of a pupil's individual skills, attitudes, and understanding. This includes the development of self-awareness, self-esteem, and emotional intelligence, as well as the development of skills related to communication, teamwork, and critical thinking.

At William Byrd we strive to give all pupils opportunities to build confidence, life skills and memories. We do by offering:

  • An extensive offer of trips and visits that links to the curriculum and beyond
  • An education on different career paths 
  • Pupil leadership opportunities that will help them build lifelong skills 
  • An Oracy programme that promotes communication and confidence 
  • A wide variety of clubs and extracurricular programming to support pupils in finding their interests and building on them

Children develop their own personal development folders so that they have a portfolio of their progress and experiences at William Byrd. After each experience, children are guided to complete a reflection which allows them to connect the experience to their learning and the wider world.

We want all children to thrive, and we put a huge emphasis on the experience that each child will get by being a pupil at William Byrd. We call this, "The William Byrd Experience." See below the opportunities and activities that we will ensure every pupil has before they leave our doors at the end of Year 6.