Latest News

January 2019

  • Heathrow Readers

    Published 24/01/19

    We have been lucky to have volunteers from Heathrow come into our school and listen to our children read once again this year.

    This is an enjoyable experience for both our readers and the members of Heathrow.  We would like to say a big thank you to Heathrow for their continuous support and dedication to our school.


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  • SATs Workshop

    Published 21/01/19

    We were pleased to hold two Year 6 SATs workshops for parents/carers on Monday 28th January.  It was great to see so many parents/carers in both sessions who enjoyed a cup of tea and tackled Year 6 SATs questions.  Our Year 6 children were amazing and helped our parents answer some tricky questions.

    We hope you all found the workshop useful and it gave you a good insight to what the SATs expectations are and the types of questions children will be asked.  

    We understand this is an important time for Year 6 children and their families so please do not hesitate to contact the Year 6 team if you need further SATs support or advice.


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  • NHS Health Assembly

    Published 15/01/19

    The whole school enjoyed an NHS assembly learning about how to keep healthy and where to go when they are not feeling well.  The children were given different scenarios and had to choose out of five different options which one they thought was most suited for the help they needed.

    To become a "Hillingdon Health Defender Champion" and get a certificate children's knowledge was put to the test.  All the children were given a fun quiz to complete at home with their families and return to school.

    Well done to everyone who bought their quizzes back in and received the Hillingdon Health Defender Champion certificate.

    There were many messages in the assembly but the key ones were:

    • Cold weather can be seriously bad for your health. That's why it's important to look after yourself, especially during the winter. If you start to feel unwell, even if it's a cough or a cold tell your mum and dad and if things don’t improve you can go to the pharmacist or your local GP.  If it’s very serious go to the hospital.
    • Flu is very infectious and spread by germs from coughs and sneezes, which can live on hands and surfaces for 24 hours.
    • To reduce the risk of spreading flu, use tissues to trap germs when you cough or sneeze, wash your hands often with warm water and soap, and bin used tissues as quickly as possible.

    Catch it... Bin it... Kill it...


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  • Year 4 Habitat Science Project

    Published 11/01/19

    Year 4 children were challenged to build a habitat in a box which showed two food chains.

    They were able to use any materials they liked for the habitat and the animals, but they then had to explain the food chains they had put in the box.

    As you can see from the the wide range of boxes in the photographs the children really engaged in the task finding animal pictures as well as models to put in a wide range of habitats from marine environments to grassland savannahs. The children chose to construct bushes trees and many other models from card as well as using readily available natural materials for the ocean floor or the grasslands.

    As a final task many children explained to the class the food chains they had included in their habitat.

    Our children had a great time building their boxes and these have now been displayed with pride in their classroom for everyone to admire.


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