Reception Learning Phonics

Learning Phonics in Reception is really important.  We take every opportunity to learn and practice reading sounds and words whenever we can.

In our daily Phonics lessons the children have been introduced to a toy frog called Fred (part of Read Write Inc. Phonics)
Fred can only say the sounds in a word and needs your child to help him read the word. Fred will say the sounds and children will work out the word. For example, Fred will say the sounds c–a–t, and children will say the word cat. This is Fred Talk: sounding out the word.

Children are having lots of fun exploring our outdoor Phonics area daily, where they can role-play and pretend to be teachers, practice 'Fred Talk' with their peers and learn to write.

This term we held a workshop for Reception parents/carers where we demonstrated how they can support their child with Phonics at home. We are so glad to hear from so many of our parents who found the workshop really useful and gave us such positive feedback.

"The workshop was really helpful! Thank you! I certainly feel better prepared to help my daughter with her reading.”

“Lenae is learning how to put words together through the use of phonics. She enjoys going to school and she says she learns new things. Although she knew letters before she now knows their sounds thanks to school.”

“The children are learning phonics together and in small groups”

“Really enjoyed the phonics lesson; it gives me more understanding how to practice phonics at home! We could have one more day to attend phonics lesson. (…)Both are doing a wonderful job in teaching our children. I can see when they come home that they have learned.”

“Wynter is enjoying attending Reception. The invitation to attend the Phonics was an excellent idea. I myself was not taught this way and found it difficult to help my granddaughter with sounds of the alphabet until now. Very positive.

"The staff are very approachable, and I noticed that they will take time to answer/ converse with parents.”

“I attended my son’s Amir Phonics lesson, it was a great experience to see him sitting well in class and paying attention following teacher’s instructions. I wouldn’t change anything, teachers are doing well and I am so thankful for the hard work that you put in class.”


In addition to this, we have shared useful home videos with parents/carers, so children can accelerate their learning further at home. 

We are very proud to see our children already making so much progress!