Year 3 Curriculum Update

Year 3 had an amazing start to the Spring Term!

In Reading, we have been engaged in the text 'Escape Room' by Christopher Edge (which, no pun intended, has kept us all on the edge of our seats).

In Geography, we're exploring rocks, relics and rumbles; we started by learning about the different layers of the earth which led us to exploring the movement of tectonic plates and how they cause the formation or instigation of mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes. We will be consolidating this knowledge on our February trip to the Natural History museum.

In Science, we've learned all about different forces including how friction and gravity work. We even have done experiments to test which objects have the most gravity, which surfaces require the most force to move on and which surfaces create the most friction with a football.

In Art, we finished off creating our spectacular ammonites using murdoch before moving onto our DT unit on cooking and eating well. Every day we continue to enjoy writing different genres inspired by stories, and progressing through our maths curriculum. You can catch us most days singing a 4 or 8 times table song (often to the tune of Adele).