Year 4 Egyptian Day

This term Year 4 have been looking into Ancient Egyptian Life. To celebrate all things Egyptian the children spent a day doing various Egyptian activities.  children enjoyed painting life size sarcophagus, constructing paper mache pencil cases in the shape and pattern of Tutankhaman's sarcophagus, making Egyptian necklaces, making Eygptian headpieces and writing our own names using Egyptian hyroglyphs to use a place names at our Egyptian Banquet to end the day.

The children are particularly proud of their work and enjoyed painting the sarcophagus and jewellery, but the banquet seemed to be the most popular of all. Here the children enjoyed a range of foods typical in Egyptian life from avocados to houmous as well as falafel and feta cheese. Tasting new and different flavours is something which the children particularly enjoy together with sharing their opinions with their class friends during the banquet.

A great day was had by all.