Remote Learning Update for Parents/Carers

Thursday 21 January

1. Assessment and feedback from teachers

Thank you for supporting your child with Remote Learning during these challenging times. The teachers and leaders at William Byrd have worked incredibly hard to produce learning opportunities to consolidate previous learning as well as support your child to make progress. Teachers are astounded by the quality of work they are receiving.  It is essential that we continue to receive the learning children are doing so that we can pitch the next set of lessons correctly.  

Please read the following information carefully to support you with understanding how remote assessment works for each subject:

Please send in the work every day. This will allow teachers to plan and address any misconceptions in the next lesson. For Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 there are also quizzes for your child to complete which give teachers instant information about your child’s learning and understanding.  

Please send in the work every day.  Teachers will then record and send you appropriate mini feedback videos to support your child with any misconceptions they have encountered that day.  Not only will this help to correct the work, it will also ensure that children are ready for the next lesson. 

Please send in work when the class timetable asks you to. Your class teacher will look at all the work.  On Fridays there will be a video recorded by your child’s teacher to address any misconceptions and help your child make progress in their writing. Children will then make improvements to their writing using the feedback in the video; please send this new work back in so we can see how children have done.  

Every Thursday there will be a quiz to find out what your child knows.  On a Monday there will be a teacher-recorded video to address any misconceptions your child has and support them to make improvements.  Please send the new work back in so we can see how they have done. 

This cycle of feedback is very similar to what children usually receive when they are in school.  You should only receive emailed feedback for maths. All other feedback will be carried out in the lessons your child watches.  

2. Zoom Meetings

We are continually working to improve our remote learning and we will shortly be inviting children to participate in live sessions with their teachers via the Zoom platform. These sessions will enable children to discuss their learning with their teachers and receive ‘live’ feedback on how to improve their work. You will receive a separate email with details of the meeting id and password. Below is our acceptable use policy – please read it carefully:

Zoom Acceptable Use Policy

In order to create a safe environment for pupils and staff when taking part in Zoom conference sessions, the following considerations must be observed:

1. By accepting the Zoom meeting ID and joining the meeting, with parental responsibility, you agree to the terms set out in this document. 

2. Zoom is only to be accessed by a device in a communal family space.

3. It should be supervised by an adult to deal with any technical difficulties.

4. Participants should be dressed appropriately when attending Zoom meeting.

5. The meeting ID is to remain confidential and not to be shared to anyone that it was not designated to.

6. Recording, photos or screenshots of the Zoom meeting are not allowed by participants.

7. The Zoom meeting will be recorded by the hosting teacher and stored in line with the school’s GDPR and ICT policy. 

8. The Zoom meeting will be locked by the teacher 5 minutes after the start time so that it can only be accessed by authorised participants. Unfortunately, anyone arriving late to the meeting will not be able to gain access, even with the meeting ID.

9. For participants, some Zoom facilities will be disabled by the host teacher. This includes but is not limited to the screen record function, chat and screen share.  Participants will be muted by the host teacher on entry to the meeting.

10. Lastly the same behaviour expectations that are set within a classroom apply to the Zoom meeting and the teacher retains the right to terminate a pupil’s participation.

3. Exercise books

New books will be delivered to your home in the coming days, and then on a regular basis moving forward. Please let us know if you do not receive one.

4. Support for parents/carers

As ever, we are here for you if you need us. You can contact us in the following ways:

For help, support and advice with any aspect of remote learning: please email your class teacher using the class email address. You can also request a phone call if required.

For general enquiries: please call the school office on 01895 462 394 between 9am and 3pm or email:


Ms N Edwards
Deputy Head